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Showing posts from August, 2021

Print English alphabets using for loop in Java

 In this post we will see how we can print the english alphabets [a-z] using for loop. One way is to have a character array of a-z and print it using loop. But there is another way to just print them using ascii code. What is ascii code There are total 256 numbers in ascii and each of which represents a specific character including alphabets. Numbers from 65-90 represents the alphabets in capital case [A-Z] and numbers from 97-122 represents alphabets in small case [a-z]. Printing alphabets using for loop with ascii numbers Below code prints alphabets in both capital and small cases using for loop. Here you can see we are using ascii numbers in for loop which are printed after type casted to character type where it automatically translate the number to equivalent character. public class PrintAlphabetsUsingLoop { public static void main(String[] args) { int alphabetsCount = 26; int capitalLetterStart = 65; int smallLetterStart = 97; System.out.println("Printing lette...