In this tutorial we are going to learn about mock unit testing. We are using here Mockito with Spring to write unit tests. We will also see how to mock an EJB session bean inside mocked service without constructor/setters injection.
What is mocking
Mocking is a technique to replace the actual implementation with some dummy or provided code chunk during unit testing. For example if we need to unit test some service which persist data to database then we can mock that persist method to add it to some in-memory collection. Also we can mock data retrieval to get the data from same collection or so. Mockito provide various class and features to implement the mocking seamlessly.Maven dependency
We are using Spring (XML base configuration) and mockito for mock testing. Below dependencies are required.<dependency> <groupId>org.springframework</groupId> <artifactId>spring-webmvc</artifactId> <version>4.1.9.RELEASE</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework</groupId> <artifactId>spring-test</artifactId> <version>4.1.9.RELEASE</version> <scope>test</scope> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.mockito</groupId> <artifactId>mockito-core</artifactId> <version>1.10.19</version> <scope>test</scope> </dependency>
Spring configuration XML
Below is our configuration for spring where we enable annotation based processing. Also we are creating a bean for EJB session bean.Spring namespace and schema declaration
Configure annotation processing
Bean declaration for EJB Session Bean
<beans xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:context="" xmlns:mvc="" xmlns:jee="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<context:component-scan base-package=""/> <context:component-scan base-package="com.ttj.misc"/> <mvc:annotation-driven/>
<jee-local-slsb id="ejbSessionBean" jndi-name="ejb/MyEjbSessionBean" business-interface="com.ttj.ejb.MyBusinessInterface" />
Rest Service
Below is the Rest service where we inject the ejb session bean using business interface. We invoke the method on EJB bean and then return the same response as a service call response.@RestController public class MyController{ @Resource(name="ejbSessionBean") private MyBusinessInterface ejbSessionBean; @RequestMapping(value="/message", method=RequestMethod.GET, produces=MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) public String getUserMessageFromEjb(){ return ejbSessionBean.getUserMessage(); } }
Unit Test using Mockito
Now we will create out unit test using mockito where we will mock the EJB session bean which will be injected in Rest service. Then this rest service will use mocked ejb bean to provide the response.Required annotations
Here we are using @RunWith annotation to enable the Spring's dependency injection and @ContextConfiguration to makes Spring to scan mentioned classes. Please note that Spring will not load context configuration XML from WEB-INF by default, so we need to configure the scanning of required classes.Mocking EJB bean
In below code we are creating a mocked bean which will automatically bind with controller class as controller class binds it using the bean ID.
Writing Test case
In below code we autowire the controller class and then uses it to write the unit test.
@RunWith(SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.class) @ContextConfiguration(class={MyController.class, MyControllerTest.class}) public class MyControllerTest{
@Bean public MyBusinessInterface ejbSessionBean(){ MyBusinessInterface bean = Mockito.mock(MyBusinessInterface.class); Mockito.when(bean.getUserMessage()).thenReturn("Dummy message"); return bean; }
@Autowired private MyController controller; @Test public void getUserMessageFromEjbTest(){ String exp = "Dummy message"); Assert.assertEquals(exp, controller.getUserMessageFromEjb()); }
Thanks for delivering a good stuff, Explanation is good, Nice Article.
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Thanks for delivering a good stuff, Explanation is good, Nice Article.
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